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Aug 18
Sick leave increasing to 10 days – are you ready for the change?

The minimum sick leave entitlement is increasing from 5 to 10 days per year from 24 July 2021. Employees will get the extra five days at their next entitlement date. Employers and employees, it is important you are prepared for the change so you don’t get caught out. Here are six key things you need […]

Jun 21
Hospitality director banned from being an employer after exploiting workers

The Employment Court has issued Declarations of Breach against three Christchurch hospitality companies, and a banning order against the companies’ director. In a judgement dated 9 June 2021, Jeet Holdings Ltd, Jeet Holdings No.2 (in liquidation) and Jeet Holdings No.6 (in liquidation), previously trading as Coriander’s Ethnic Indian Restaurant, were found to have seriously breached […]

Jun 16
Drugs, alcohol and work

Generally, an employer may only ask employees and other workers to agree to alcohol or drugs tests if this is a condition of their appointment and in the employment agreement or workplace policies. Using drugs or alcohol can lead to employee impairment while at work. Poor concentration, carelessness, risk-taking behaviour and errors in judgement can […]

May 28
Minimum sick leave entitlement to increase to 10 days

Parliament has passed the Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill to increase the minimum employee sick leave entitlement from 5 days to 10 days per year. Most employees who have worked for an employer for six months or over are entitled to sick leave if they, or a dependent, are sick or injured. Currently, employees […]

May 11
Find out when you can get a vaccine

Everyone in New Zealand aged 16 and over will be in 1 of 4 groups for their COVID-19 vaccinations. Answer these questions to find out which group you’re in.

May 06
Doing business in the bubble

What Kiwi employers and employees need to know about their employment rights and responsibilities when travelling in the bubble. The Trans-Tasman and NZ-Cook Islands bubbles allow people to travel quarantine-free between New Zealand and Australia, or New Zealand and the Cook Islands. This could change with short notice, depending on how Covid-19 spread in the […]

Apr 13
COVID-19 vaccinations and your workers

Covid-19 has created huge challenges for business owners. See the latest information on the vaccine, its rollout, and what you can do to help make it effective. a business owner you know that a community resurgence of COVID-19 risks more lockdowns, disruption and economic uncertainty.As the COVID-19 vaccine rolls out, and more people are vaccinated, […]

Apr 12
Anzac Public holiday falls on a weekend this year

When a public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, an employee’s public holiday might be moved to the following Monday (or in some cases Tuesday). This year, ANZAC Day (25 April) falls on a Sunday. This means that if you don’t normally work on Sundays the public holiday is ‘mondayised’ for you. Mondayisation means […]

Apr 07
Bereavement leave to cover miscarriage, stillbirth

Employees will soon have the right to take paid time off work in the unfortunate event of a miscarriage or stillbirth, under law changes passed by Parliament yesterday. The law change allows an employee to take up to three days’ paid bereavement leave if they or their partner experiences a miscarriage or stillbirth. People planning […]

Mar 24
Minimum wage rises by $1.10 on 1 April 2021

The minimum wage is going up from $18.90 to $20.00 an hour on 1 April 2021. Here’s what you need to do. When:  1 April 2021 What: The new minimum wage rates, before tax, are: Adult – $20.00 an hour (up from $18.90) Starting-out – $16.00 per hour (up from $15.12) Training – $16.00 per hour […]