We have all heard of KiwiSaver. It is a savings scheme set up in New Zealand. The primary goal is to support Kiwis’ retirement, but there there are other benefits too. If you’re starting a new job soon you may be wondering — should I join KiwiSaver? What is KiwiSaver all about? KiwiSaver is a work-based savings initiative designed to […]
Sure. Door knocking can work and is you manage to connect with the right person you may on your way to a position. Finding the right person to talk can be difficult so doing your research before can be really effective. How to do this? Check listings on JobStore, Queenstown Jobs, JobFix and in the […]
JobStoreNZ. JobStore is part of the Queenstown Trading network offering a huge online reach through is advertising/news/community listing outlets including a Job Store website, Queenstown Trading website, Queenstown News weekly database magazines and vast social media presence across its pages/groups on Facebook and Instagram. Mountain Scene offers printed listings through its weekly newspaper which is […]
The Government has accepted the Holidays Act Taskforce’s recommendations to improve the Holidays Act by making it clearer and providing greater certainty for employers and employees. The recommendations will improve the current Act by providing a clear and transparent set of rules for providing entitlements to, and payments for, holidays and leave. The Taskforce’s recommended […]
Workplaces are a crucial part of making access to vaccines as easy as possible. Information for all working relationships The following information applies to all working relationships, including those between a firm and an independent contractor. To help New Zealand’s COVID-19 Immunisation Programme succeed, we recommend employers encourage and support workers to get vaccinated. This […]
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) will soon be updating businesses and workers with guidance about the upcoming COVID-19 immunisation programme. The guidance will cover employment law implications around the availability of COVID-19 vaccinations. This guidance will be updated in consultation with the Ministry of Health, WorkSafe, NZCTU and Business NZ, and will […]
Workplace bullying is repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that can cause physical or mental harm. Bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological or social. This may include victimising, humiliating, intimidating or threatening a person. A single or occasional incident of insensitive or rude behaviour towards another person isn’t […]
This year, Waitangi Day falls on Saturday 6 February and is observed on that day or Monday 8 February. Here are seven things you need to know about rights for employees and obligations for employers. 1. Mondayisation for Waitangi Day This year, Waitangi Day falls on a Saturday. This means the holiday is moved to […]
The Government has introduced the Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill to increase the minimum employee sick leave entitlement from 5 days per year to 10 days per year. With the introduction of the Holidays (Increasing Sick Leave) Amendment Bill, eligible employees will soon be entitled to 10 days of sick leave per year. The […]
The Government confirmed today that the adult minimum wage will increase, from $18.90 to $20.00 per hour on 1 April 2021. The starting-out and training minimum wage rates will also increase on 1 April 2021, from $15.12 to $16.00 per hour. As an employer, you need to ensure your payroll systems and processes are updated. […]